
Anuradhapura, located in the North Central Province of Sri Lanka, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world. Steeped in rich history and spiritual significance, Anuradhapura is a captivating destination that showcases the ancient glory of Sri Lanka.

As the first capital of ancient Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura served as a center of political, religious, and cultural life for over a thousand years. The city is home to a vast complex of well-preserved archaeological ruins, including monumental dagobas (stupas), ancient palaces, and intricately carved stone sculptures.

One of the city’s highlights is the sacred Sri Maha Bodhi tree, believed to be a sapling from the original Bodhi tree in India under which the Buddha attained enlightenment. The tree is housed within the Mahamewna Gardens and attracts pilgrims from around the world. Nearby, the Ruwanwelisaya dagoba stands as a magnificent architectural masterpiece, adorned with intricate carvings and offering panoramic views of the surrounding area.

Anuradhapura is also known for its ancient reservoirs, or “tanks,” which served as vital irrigation systems in ancient times. The massive reservoirs, such as the Tissa Wewa and Nuwara Wewa, are a testament to the advanced engineering skills of the ancient Sri Lankan civilization.

Visitors can explore the city’s archaeological sites by foot, bicycle, or tuk-tuk, marveling at the ancient ruins, stone monoliths, and beautifully carved moonstones. The Abhayagiri Vihara, Jetavanaramaya, and Thuparamaya are among the many ancient Buddhist monasteries and stupas that offer a glimpse into Anuradhapura’s spiritual heritage.

Anuradhapura’s cultural significance goes beyond its archaeological treasures. The city is also home to vibrant festivals and ceremonies, such as the Poson Poya, commemorating the introduction of Buddhism to Sri Lanka. During this time, the ancient city comes alive with colorful processions, religious rituals, and traditional performances.

For a serene retreat, visitors can explore the Ritigala Forest Monastery, located a short distance from Anuradhapura. This ancient monastery, surrounded by dense forest, offers a peaceful atmosphere and an opportunity for meditation and contemplation.

Anuradhapura historical grandeur, spiritual significance, and architectural marvels make it a must-visit destination for history buffs, culture enthusiasts, and those seeking a deeper understanding of Sri Lanka’s ancient roots. Exploring the city’s archaeological sites, witnessing vibrant festivals, and experiencing the tranquility of its surroundings offer an unforgettable journey back in time.

Things to Do ; Historical Landmarks

Isurumuniya Temple

Isurumuniya in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka, is a serene and historic Buddhist temple renowned for its exquisite rock-cut sculptures and tranquil surroundings. Nestled amidst lush greenery, this ancient site offers visitors a chance to explore remarkable stone carvings, including the famous “Isurumuni Lovers” sculpture, which depicts a couple in a tender embrace. As you wander through the temple grounds, you’ll also encounter a peaceful lotus pond and a sense of deep spirituality. Isurumuniya is a must-visit destination for travelers seeking both cultural enrichment and natural beauty in Sri Lanka.


Mihintale in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka, is a sacred mountain that holds immense historical significance as the birthplace of Buddhism in the country. This revered site features ancient monastic ruins, picturesque forested paths, and a grand staircase leading to a hilltop stupa. Pilgrims and tourists alike visit Mihintale to pay homage to its cultural heritage, soak in breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding landscape, and experience the profound spirituality that permeates this hallowed ground. A visit to Mihintale is a journey into the heart of Sri Lanka’s religious and historical heritage.

Sri Maha Bodhi

Sri Maha Bodhi in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka, is an awe-inspiring and revered site, known as the oldest living tree in the world. This sacred Bodhi tree is believed to be a direct descendant of the original tree under which Lord Buddha attained enlightenment over 2,500 years ago. Encased in a golden fence, it’s a symbol of deep spiritual significance for Buddhists worldwide. Visitors to Sri Maha Bodhi can bask in its tranquil ambiance, participate in religious ceremonies, and witness the profound reverence that surrounds this ancient and hallowed tree, making it a must-visit destination for those seeking spiritual connection and cultural insight.

Ruwanwelisaya Stupa

Ruwanwelisaya Stupa in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka, is a magnificent and historic Buddhist stupa, revered as one of the island’s most iconic and sacred religious monuments. This colossal white dagoba, standing over 300 feet tall, exudes an aura of grandeur and spirituality. Built to enshrine relics of Lord Buddha, it’s a symbol of veneration and devotion for Buddhists. Visitors can marvel at its impressive architecture, intricate carvings, and serene surroundings, while also experiencing the deep cultural and religious significance that makes Ruwanwelisaya a profound and captivating destination for travelers exploring Sri Lanka’s rich heritage.


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